Happy Spring

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A huge sigh of relief!

A huge sigh of relief was breathed Sunday afternoon. The annual LDS Primary Sacrament Program was over! All year long we prepare with the children for this day! The children were wonderful. They all spoke their parts well, the spirit was felt, and the music was so great! I get to work with these wonderful little spirits each week during music time and I love it. This years theme was I know the scriptures are true. I am the only one in the church who gets to have fun each Sunday and do crazy things. I get to pick on the teachers and make them wear funny hats, fill their mouths with marshmallows and then sing a song, and I get away with it because I am the music lady. This coming year the theme will be Choose the Right. I am always on the look out for a great idea so send them my way! Next week we are going to make the room dark, and I will teach the children to lead music to some of their all time favorite songs, the batons will be glow sticks. Now that should create quite a stir. Hey it's the day before Halloween!!! I have a room set aside in my house just for Primary music ideas, I have all kinds of things I have collected but I am ever on the prowl for something new and exciting. Thanks for stopping by!
LDS Primary Choirster?!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Making quilts with Grandma

My mom is the quilt making queen. This last year she made 12 baby quilts and donated them to the Dove Center. She set a goal and reached it. The little quilts were so darling. Mom has made all of her children queen size, hand sewn quilts with images of temples or flowers on them. They truly are works of art. I wanted to make some small car seat quilts for my two youngest grandsons. So I went to the expert and together we got the project done in record time, with time left over to play. I will take them to give to Jack and Joran on our trip to Missouri in November. We will stop off in Nebraska to see the little boys and then all of us travel on to Misty's house.

I have made a few quilts in my time to, but nothing hand quilted. I just tie them. Have made one for each of my kids too, but they are just to throw around and keep warm with. I enjoy making them and want to get some made for Kyla and Casey too. I better get busy!

Len and I took some time out of our busy (and I mean busy!) schedules to take in one of our favorite passtimes, theater! We got tickets to see the Dixie College Theater production of "The Foriegner". It was so funny my face hurt from laughing. We really enjoyed the performance. We love to go to plays of all kinds and take advantage of all Southern Utah has to offer in the way of dramatic producions.

Saturday was PERFECT! The temps are in the 80's and so nice. This is truly why we put up with the too hot summers, and the too cold winters...Fall! It never ceases to please us in the way of beautiful days and perfect temps. We took advantage of the weather to ride on the River trail in St. George. We took a 5 mile one way ride along the Virgin River walk from east St. George to Bloomington where we crossed the river and had a picnic before heading back. It was so nice and boy do I have the sore muscles to prove I did it! What a whimp.

The river has crossings in several places along the bike route. This trail is paved and runs from Washington on the east to Ivins on the west covering several miles. Our goal is to ride it all someday.

Len is tracking our progress and planning out the next trip to the river walk. He is the planning man for sure. Great day, and great riding partner!